Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Slip-slidin' away - Then I'm walking in Memphis

Location: La Quinta Inn & Suites, Memphis, TN
Weather: Cloudy, 24 degrees (feels like 13)
Winds from NNE at 12 mph
Forecast calls for partly cloudy and a little warmer

Travel Day Four - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to Memphis, Tennessee
More uneventful travel. Much less ice and snow on the road, even on the sides. EXCEPT in Oklahoma City, where they seem to have neglected to plow ANYTHING. Rigs even had a skidding adventure in the hotel parking lot, but he recovered his dignity very quickly. Once back on the freeway, the road was clear and dry, tho we did pass an occasional wiped-out trailer or semi.

We had ribs tonight from Brad's Bar-B-Q (small TN family-run chain). Yummy. Unfortunately Sara managed to spill most of her side salad onto the carpet of our hotel room (hopefully we got it clean enough and it won't be considered a Rigby accident!) Sara did say it was the best banana pudding she's had in a while (not too sweet). Since we've had little time for sightseeing, we've been trying to have city/state-specific cuisine for dinner each night (hit or miss, depending upon the weather).

Tomorrow we'll head across Tennessee and show up in Knoxville near the border (one of those quick driving days I mentioned.) Heading east, Sara definitely has a preference for the landscapes of Arkansas and Tennessee over the tundras of the further west states. We plan to make it "home" to Holly Springs on Thursday. The moving truck with our belongings comes Saturday (or so?). Once we get to NC, then we're without a fridge, land line phone, cable & cable modem, washer & dryer until those deliveries/installations next Monday. Might have to blog post from the new local Holly Springs library...

Rigby certainly likes the more comfortable beds of the La Quinta Suites vs. just the La Quinta Inn. Note the special blanket we laid out for his enjoyment.


Clownfish said...

Yeah, I notice the blanket and that Rigby isn't on it ;-)! I'm glad you're making good time and avoiding the majority of the bad weather. Keep up the good posts!

Karrie said...

Hi Peter, let me try this again... (I had to create an account before I could post my comments). I've been following your travel adventures. Sounds like your having a blast! Rigby looks really cute! Guess what? it snowed on Lyle and I on the way to work today! Well, it kind of rained, sleeted (sp?) and hailed, so we'll call it snow. Anyway, congratulations again to you and Sara and good luck with your new life in NC. You will truly be missed here at HN. Best Wishes, Karrie

Robin, yup, just Robin said...

Hey Pete - seems like Sara is keeping you and Rigby out of too much trouble (or not depending on if she got the carpet mess cleaned up well enough)