Monday, January 15, 2007

OK-lahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plain...

Location: La Quinta Inn, Oklahoma City, OK
Weather: Mostly cloudy, 16 degrees (feels like 9)
Winds from NNW at 4 mph
Forecast calls for mostly sunny, a few passing clouds, and cold

Travel Day Three - Albuquerque, New Mexico to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Pretty uneventful day. Got an early start (8:30 AM) and drove through the iced-over tundra of New Mexico and the Texas panhandle, and on into the somewhat-less-frozen plains of Oklahoma. Our car had a near miss with a coyote wandering onto the road (Pete sounded the horn good and long so Mr. Wile E. wouldn't get any ideas of wandering back on anytime soon) and a direct hit from some type of gravel object, leaving a nice chip in the windshield that we'll need to get removed at the Honda dealer in Cary, NC. Phooey.

1 comment:

Marty and Pat said...

Hi Guys,

Trust you had an uneventful day, that is no coyotes or dinged windscreens, etc. It looks like you just need to set the 'auto-pilot' in the car on I-40.

Are y'all practicin' your southern draawll? Yo gonna need to if'in y'all wont ta be understood.

We got our furnace fixed by Mon. noon so we've got heat. Pat still has her cold, but she's trying to go to work 'manyana' (so you won't forget where you came from).

Take care and God bless.

Marty & Pat