Saturday, January 20, 2007

We're here, we're here! Let the bells ring out and the banners fly!

Yaaaay! We pulled into the driveway about 7:30 local time, in a light almost-freezing rain. Since we don't have an Internet connection as yet, there was a delay in posting news of our arrival. Ever the resourceful one, I'm coming to ya live from the Holly Springs Library. Of course, I promptly left the jump drive with all the cool pictures at home, so we'll just wait until Monday for the visuals. In the meantime...

How Music and Editing Can Affect the Tone of A Movie Trailer
"Mary Poppins" as a Horror Movie
"Office Space" as a Psycho-Killer Thriller
and the best one...
"The Shining" as a feel-good family comedy


Clownfish said...

Where are the pictures, Mike demands PICTURES ;-)

Janet Hicks said...

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ oh sorry, fell asleep waiting for those pictures you promised......