Wednesday, January 17, 2007

For some strange reason it had to be, it was all a dream about Tennessee

Location: La Quinta Inn, Knoxville, TN
Weather: Cloudy, 30 degrees (feels like 25)
Winds from NE at 1 mph
Forecast calls for cloudy and a little warmer

Well, hopefully tomorrow's the day we pull into our driveway at home (it'll take some getting used to saying that and not thinking of an alley in Van Nuys.) I finally got the iPod charged so we had some appropriate traveling music (we used XM all the way there; good stuff, but not exactly what we wanted, although I take it as a good sign that we listened to Larry the Cable Guy yesterday.) Had a nice Italian dinner last night as we didn't want to overload on Tennessee barbeque two nights in a row. Ahead of us is some snow forecast in Raleigh, so we're going to tread very carefully. Note that we won't have Internet access at the house, so don't get scared if the blog isn't updated right away when we arrive. Here we go...

1 comment:

Janet Hicks said...

Glad to know you guys are there now. We wait patiently for pictures of the new place.