Thursday, February 22, 2007

Oh What A Beautiful Morning, Oh What A Beautiful Day

Current temperature in Holly Springs: 72 degrees
Current temperature in Los Angeles: 55 degrees
("I don't care where you from, thet's funny right dere" - Larry the Cable Guy)

Today has been lovely - nice and warm, sunny, a bit blustery but not enough to make things cold. This is the second day of unseasonably warm weather here in Holly Springs, and tomorrow things are expected to plummet back to more typical temps. However, I was standing outside last night, watching the quarter-crescent moon, listening to the crickets, and thought: "Ya know the Pirates of the Carribean at Disneyland, the section right across from the Blue Bayou restaurant? Yeah, that's what this is like. Pretty sweet."

(my buddy Mike, whose Mom once described North Carolina as the "Land of Bugs and Snakes" is probably falling out of his chair laughing)

So where the heck have our updates been, anyway? Welp, Sara and I have been spending a lot of time these past few weeks unpacking, dealing with new vendors (and trying to extricate ourselves from the old ones) and generally trying to ramp our new lives here in NC to a comfortable speed. In addition, I've been working on a project for the SANS Institute (it's a course on Web Browser Forensics, if ya wanna know) which should hopefully pull in some cash once it's completed. Of course, this has resulted in my being very derelict in my blogging duties. Those of you who subscribe to this blog's RSS feed will see that there's a new post; those of you who don't know what RSS is.... hopefully you haven't given up on this and will see the new post when you check back (if you have the new Internet Explorer 7, click on the orange-ish button in the upper-right-hand-corner next to the "Home" icon.)

At any rate, I'll try and update more often now that things have calmed down somewhat. We even have some new pictures and video, so stay... tuned? More like logged in, I guess.

- Pete

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