Sunday, January 18, 2009

Status Updatus

Today marks the two-year anniversary of our arrival in the great state of North Carolina. Those of you who read our "regular" website know not much has changed, we're pretty much steady-as-we-go. Of course, the "outside" has changed a great deal, what with the economy in a tailspin, new technologies coming online (I'm even considering a Twitter account, just to see what it's like) and world events playing an even greater role. In two days our new President assumes the mantle of power, and even though I respectfully disagree with him on a number of his political philosophies, I wish him (and by extension, our Nation) every success. And in turn, dear reader, health, happiness and love to you as we go forward (yeah, a little late, but we were busy at New Year's.)

- Pete (and Sara and Rigby)